Directory: Recreational Activities

Art For Fun

Join us at Andy Knill Art Studio, 21 Commerical Rd, Swanage, between Chococo and The Little Garden Gift Shop.

We are here Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays between 10am and 5pm.

Suitable for all ages and abilities – Parent/carers must stay with children.

Belverdere Singers

We are a non-auditioning mixed choir with 4 voice parts. We have a professional Music Director and Accompanist and learn a wide range of music to perform at 2 concerts per year.
We are a registered charity and each concert supports a nominated charity via a retiring collection. All ages and abilities are welcome. We rehearse at Emanuel Baptist Church, Victoria Avenue, Swanage.
We perform concerts at St. Mary’s Church, Kings Road, Swanage.
Rehearsals are at Emanuel Baptist Church on Tuesdays 7:30pm-9:30pm, roughly following school term time dates, so we meet September to December, January to Easter and post Easter to June, with breaks.
Anyone can come to try us out for 2 weeks before joining. Subscriptions are paid in 3 termly parts and equate to roughly £5 a week.

Purbeck U3A

There are groups that meet on every day of the week, please see website:
There is no age limit to join, the only proviso is that members should not be in full time work. Therefore most members are over 60.
To join PU3A, there is a subscription of £16 per annum (rising to £20 on 1 September 2023). For this, members can join any of the 50 groups offered by PU3A – these range from activity groups such as cycling, walking, badminton, table tennis to language groups (French, Italian, Spanish, Latin) several book groups, art and music appreciation and also Tai Chi.
Whatever your interest there will be a group for you. Also, once a month on a Thursday morning, at Harmans Cross village hall, there is a series of talks by eminent speakers on a range of subjects. About 100 members attend these. It is an opportunity to meet other members and to hear about group activities.
Information about joining is on the website.

Studland History Group

We have talks on the local area looking at it’s history. To preserve local history. Studland Village Hall.
On the third Wednesday of the month at 2.30pm. Annual membership £17 or visitors £3.50.

Swanage WI

The WI welcomes women of 18 years old and over. Speakers are invited to our monthly meetings. We also have a number of interest groups such as walking, cookery, book group, craft, gardening and walking netball.
Additional events are organised at local and county level. The WI also campaigns on matter of local and national importance.
Annual Membership £46.

T-Pot Drop in

Every Wednesday 10am-12.30am at the Rectory Classroom, Church Hill Swanage.
Everyone welcome especially those lonely or bereaved.