Everybody Needs a Shed’ was launched as part of the lottery-funded ‘Durlston Pleasure Grounds’ project. It is an accessible community work base which enables people of all ages and abilities to socialise, learn new skills, and volunteer in support of Durlston Country Park.
We welcome people with disabilities, dementia, and other long-term health problems to try a variety of wood-working, gardening, crafts, and DIY projects. No commitment or experience needed – you can even just pop in for a chat.

  • Mondays 2pm-4pm – for Cuppa & Chat – enjoy a cuppa and make some new friends in the lovely woodland surroundings. Just drop in and say hello!
  • Tuesday 2pm-4pm – join a ranger to help out with practical tasks to support the park – you could be painting, fixing signs, creating crafts or taking part in other DIY projects.
  • Wednesdays 2.30pm-4.30pm – join our team of Lead Sheddies to take part in various activities including arts, woodwork, gardening, and more.
  • Fridays 2pm-4pm – our gardening group meet to look after our vegetables, plants, and flowers, which we sell for donations on the plant stall as fundraising for the project.